Access Bank Payday Loan Code

Access Bank Payday Loan Code, 2023, USSD Code For Access Bank Loan Nigeria

Are you seeking to apply for a Payday loan from Access bank on your phone? Then you might need the Access bank Payday loan USSD Code.

However, we have dedicated this simple guide to detail the Access bank Nigeria loan USSD code.

We shall make it brief and simple with every information you need to apply for a loan from Access bank Nigeria through their loan USSD Code.

Payday loans have become saviors of the day, and you don’t need to be a salary earner to apply.

It is very flexible and instant as it does not require collateral to secure the loan funds.

The most thrilling thing is that you can apply for a Payday loan from Access bank in Nigeria through the USSD shortcode.

So, the hustle of connecting to the internet is no more a problem. But what is the loan code for Access bank Nigeria? Read below to find out.

What Is The Access Bank PayDay loan USSD Code

The Access bank Payday loan USSD shortcode is *901*11*1#.

It is accessible via all networks in Nigeria, and with any mobile phone that can make a call, you are good to apply for a Payday loan via the shirt code.

Requirements To Use Access Bank Nigeria Payday Loan USSD Code

Here are the things you need to use to the Payday loan USSD shortcode:

1. Mobile phone number linked to your Access bank account.

2. Cellphone.

3. Network signal available.

4. Account Number.

Those are the things you need to use the Access bank Payday loan USSD Code.

What Is The USSD Code For Access Bank Loan In Nigeria?

To get a loan with a USSD code, kindly dial *901*11*1#, and follow the prompts on your phone screen to apply for an instant loan. That is the code to borrow money from Access bank.

How Long Does Access Bank PayDay Loan Last

Access bank Payday loan lasts for 30 days tenor after which you must pay with interest.

Usually, Payday loans have a lesser interest rate due to their less tenor period.

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