What is USSD code and how to use it

What Is USSD Code And How Does It Work, 2023, Check This Transfer Code Guide

In today’s post, you will learn what is USSD code and how it works here at thetransfercode.com.

The acronym USSD means Unstructured Supplementary Service Data.

The USSD code is actually an interactive and menu-based technology that is supported on nearly all mobile phones.

What lies behind this technical term is an easy-to-use service that can be accessed from any computer.

Some of the practical service usages of the USSD codes are airtime top-ups, balance checking as well as mini statement deliveries.

The USSD becomes a practical and fundamental service when offering a communication channel, it allows users the possibility of accessing confirmation and consultation services through dialing.

This is a very essential component of modern-day communication.

Read also: How To Register Access Bank Account With USSD Code *901# In Nigeria.

What Is The Format Of The USSD Code

Now that you know what the USSD code is, it is time to dive into the format of the Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) code.

The format for the USSD code is pretty simple. It is usually defined by the * and the # signs, which are dialed at the beginning and the end of the series of digits before you press the send button.

This service allows for two-way communication between subscribers and applications. It provides a quick way to contact and communicate with your customers.

As has been indicated earlier, the user makes unique dialing initiated by (*) followed by a unique code, thus entering a menu of services offered by the company.

It works through mobile channels through sessions or “conversations” where the user communicates with an application browsing menus.

The menus and services can, of course, be easily created and customized according to specific needs through APIs.

Read also: FCMB Transfer Code.

Benefits of including USSD code as a communication channel

USSD codes should not be an alternative channel, although the idea may work independently. This idea is to become a channel that complements a company’s communications.

It offers more alternatives to users, guaranteeing access to information. USSD is the perfect complement to make your company omnichannel.

While the SMS is stored in the phone, USSD texts and interactions No, making this option one of the safest if it is sensitive information.

The USSD allows up to 182 characters, while the SMS 160.

It is compatible with any cell phone that has a connection with its operator.

Recommended guide: Edmond Tag Agency.

Does USSD Require An Internet?

No. Using USSD code does not require any internet connection.

You do not need the Internet.

All you need to do is get your mobile device and dial the appropriate code and press the send button.

Menu generator via a web platform and real-time USSD traffic analysis.

Read this too: Consolidated Bank Ghana Mobile Banking Code.


Before, when talking about acquiring the USSD service, it was necessary to wait for the telephone operators to have this service.

It is not common for everyone to offer it, so the service coverage was limited, only subscribers of the service could use it.

Infobip and its direct connections have made it possible that today, the service has much more coverage.

Companies no longer need to approach each operator to ask about the availability of the service and make separate contracts.

From a single tool, companies can offer this service without limitations.

Similarly, the connection of APIs facilitates the customization of the menus from the same platform without depending directly on the provider.

Companies can modify titles, menus, and access according to their interests.

As you have seen, there are many uses of the USSD code that you may have not crossed your mind.

Check out this: GCB Bank Mobile banking Code.

Here is a list of other useful resources:

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