How Does Absa Home Loans Work

How Does Absa Home Loans Work 2023, Absa Mortgage Guide

Today our guide will focus on how Absa home loans work in South Africa.

We will first briefly explain what a home loan is.

What Is A Home Loan

Absa has made it easy for everything about a home, from buying a home, building a home, switching your home loan, or buying a home to let.

You can get up to 100% financing for your home.

We will now show you exactly how Absa home loan works in South Africa.

How Does Absa Home Loans Work

There is a home loan for all your needs, and everyone can apply for the loans.

You can choose between a fixed or variable interest rate.

You are allowed to change your payment term at any time at no cost.

You can earn additional funds by subscribing to flexiReserve, Readvance or Further Advance.

With flexiReserve, you make extra payments to pay off your loan sooner and save on the interests.

Readvance allows you to get the money you have already paid within 48 hours of application.

Further Advance allows you to use your home’s increased value as your home increases in value. You can apply for the extra value in cash.

You can manage your home loan digitally through online banking or the Absa banking app. 

This is how Absa home loans work in South Africa.

What Are The Discounts And Benefits

Now that you know how the loans work, we will show you the various benefits and discounts you get from Absa.

You have access to insurance and retirement plans.

You get up to 100% financing if you earn more than R26,000 gross monthly income or if you are a first-time house buyer.

If you are a young professional under the age of 35 years, you qualify for a loan of up to 105% to cover any additional costs.

If you have an Absa private banking account, you get a direct entry point for all your home loan needs and specialized one-on-one service. 

Now that you know the benefits, we will show you how to repay your Absa home loan in South Africa.

How Does Absa Home Loan Repayment Plan Work

There are three common repayments plans, namely:

  • Short term payment plan
  • Long-term payment plan
  • helpUSell payment plan

Short-term payment lasts up to six months.

For a long-term payment plan, you pay off your arrears while maintaining an affordable monthly repayment for up to 360 months.

HelpUSell is a program that helps you sell your property quickly to avoid accumulating more costs.

This is how repaying your Absa home loan work in South Africa.

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One Response

  1. Jan Holtzhausen 12th June 2022

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