KCB opening hours

KCB Bank Opening Hours, 2023, KCB Kenya Working Hours, ATM, & Services

If you are a KCB customer, it is imperative you would like to know when KCB bank opening hours.

Since KCB bank adopted online banking and mobile banking, many of its customers reduce the number of times they have to visit the bank.

But still, KCB banks remain open for those who would access to carry out various services like withdraw money, deposit, open an account, or any other inquiry or complaints.

KCB bank has its branches spread out in all 47 counties in the country. Thus you can visit the nearby branch during their open hours.

KCB bank has made it easy to locate the nearest bank branch by locating it on Google maps  

The KCB bank can be accessed by both KCB Account holders and non-KCB account holders.

There are no limitations.

The KCB ban offers its services to everyone in the community, whether it be business people, SME people, individuals, institutions, or corporate name it all.

What Are KCB Opening Hours?

KCB Bank has designated adequate time to serve everyone who visits any of its branches.

The bank opens its doors from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm on weekdays (Monday -Friday) and from 8.30 am to 12.00 pm on Saturdays. 

The bank doors are closed on Sundays and public holidays.

However, all KCB bank ATMs are open 24/7.

Hence you can withdraw money at any KCB bank ATM any time of the day.

Additionally, the call center is accessible 24/7 to offer support when it arises to all its customers.

Some bank branches extend the opening hours to meet customer demand, especially in Nairobi’s busy city.

You can get in touch with the KCB contact center to know which bank has extended its opening hours.

Services Accessed At The KCB Bank Branch

You can only access a number of services at any of the KCB bank branches, and you cannot carry them online or through a mobile phone.

You can get assistance on any of these services during the bank opening hours except withdrawal at the ATM. 

These services include.

1. Depositing bank Cheque

2. Advice either on investment, a loan, or any other financial advice from a professional team

3.. Customer service either inquiries or complaints.

4. Withdraw money at the ATM card or over the counter

5. Opening a new account

6. Register for various services like mobile or online banking

7. Loan inquiries and applications for either business, personal, or home loans.

8. Forex services

9. Pay taxes

10. Money transfer services like Western Union, Money Gram & RIA.

Here is the list of our KCB articles:

Fixed Deposit, Mobi LoanCareers, Cub Account, Forex Exchange, Types of Accounts, Activate Mobile Banking, Mpesa Loan, Savings Account, Tuungane Chama Account, Apply for Credit Cards, KCB Mpesa Interest Rate, Diaspora Banking, Salary Advance, Paybill Number, Savings Interest Rate, Business Account, Prepaid Master Card, KCB Student Account.

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