Do you want to know whether CalBank branches in Ghana work on Saturdays? Well, then this guide is what you need. In this guide, I will let you know if Cal bank opens its branches on Saturdays.
CalBank Ghana is a leading name when it comes to banking in Ghana.
It has provided countless opportunities for most Ghanaians, including employment opportunities, assisting with healthcare, and providing educational scholarships to others.
With the number of customers increasing in their banking space, Calbank needed to find more avenues through which they can reach out to their customers.
This is why they instituted the weekend working hours to help businesses and individual clients who may need their services on weekends.
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Does Calbank Work On Saturdays
Yes, CalBank works on weekends, but they do not provide all the services they provide on the normal working days. Weekend work at their branches is mostly for light duties.
The introduction of Saturday opening hours has increased their customer range since many banks do not open on Saturdays.
What Time Do Calbank Opens Saturdays
CalBank branches in Ghana open at 9:00 am on weekends.
If you want to visit their premises for any of your banking needs with them, then you need to know when work starts.
Their premises is characterized as a busy environment.
Hence you can even go before they open, so you can be served early and leave.
CalBank Saturdays Closing Hours
It is only on Saturdays that Cal bank branches close early.
CalBank branches in Ghana close at 3:00 pm on weekends. This means they close their doors and attend to customers who are within the premises before 3 pm.
Does Calbank Work On Holidays
No, holidays are not considered a working day for all Calbank branches in Ghana.
This means if you will need any of their branch services on holiday you will have to do it before the holiday.
There are other available streams of products customers can use to access basic banking operations, such as funds withdrawal or deposits using their ATMs or mobile banking platforms.
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