Access Bank Salary Advance Loan

Access Bank Salary Advance Loan, Steps To Apply, Requirements & Interest Rate

Are you a salary earner in Nigeria? I recommend to you Access Bank Salary Advance Loan for all your urgent need of money.

Today in this guide, we are going to give you complete details about the Access bank workers loan.

Most salary workers usually face numerous challenges before their salary is due.

As a result, many people rely on salary advance loans to keep up before their salary is paid.

These kinds of loans often come with a huge interest rate that overburdens them and eventually lands them in huge debt.

However, there is no need to starve until your salary is being paid before you can eat.

As a result, Access bank has launched new loan products targeted at salary earners to get instant cash before their payday.

The good news is that the Access bank salary advance loans do not require any collateral to apply.

So let get into details.

What Is Access Bank Salary Advance Loan?

The Access bank salary advance loan is a loan product that the Access bank offers to salary earners who meets their Risk Acceptance Criteria(RAC).

So, with the salary advance loan, you must at least be a salary earner before you can apply.

Ways You Can Get Workers Loan

You can apply for Access bank salary advance through USSD code and online, including the Access bank QuickBucks app and more.

Requirements To Get Advance Loan In Nigeria

Below are the things you need to apply for Access Bank salary advance:

1. Access bank account number.

2. Mobile phone number registered with Access bank.

3. Any mobile phone that can make a call.

4. Access Bank QuickBucks app.

5. Smartphone.

6. Active Internet connection.

All the above listed are needed for both applications on the QuickBucks app and USSD.

Those are the things needed to apply for a salary advance.

Steps To Apply For Access Bank Salary Advance Loan Via USSD Code

To get an Access bank salary advance loan, follow the steps below:

1. Insert your mobile phone number linked to your Access bank account into your phone.

2. Open the call pad on your phone.

3. Kindly dial *901*11*1#

4. Press send

5. Follow the prompts on your phone screen and apply for a salary advance loan.

6. Once the process is successful, your account will be credited with the exact amount you qualify for.

That is how you can get a salary advance loan.

How Long Does Access Bank Nigeria Salary Loan Last?

The tenor for Access bank salary advance loan is six months.

Therefore, once you have acquired a worker loan from Access bank, you have up to 180 days to pay back the loan.

That is all we have for you today and we hope that this guide was helpful to you.

So kindly reach out to us with your opinions through the comment section and we will be glad to respond.

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