Servus Credit Union Namao Centre Branch

Servus Credit Union Namao Centre Branch, Alberta, Hours, Phone, Transit Number

If you are looking for Servus Credit Union in Namao Centre, Alberta, then this article will help you. We will guide you with everything you need to know about Servus CU location in Namao Centre, Canada.

You may not wish to visit the banking hall for sending or receiving money in person. In that case, we will show you the Servus CU Namao Centre phone number to contact the bank.

In Namao Centre, there are many banking and financial institutions but Servus Credit Union is one of the trusted banks.

Whether you want to visit the Servus office in Namao Centre or call the customer service on phone, you need to know the Namao Centre branch opening and closing hours in Alberta, Canada.

In this guide, we will provide you with all the Servus CU Namao Centre working hours as well as the Bank Transit number, SWIFT Code, and Bank Institution Code for money transfers.

Without wasting time, let us begin.

Where Is Servus Credit Union Located In Namao Centre, Alberta

If you want to find Servus Credit Union in Namao Centre, here is the branch location address: 16517 97 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5X 6B1, Canada.

As you can see, the street address for Servus CU branch in Namao Centre is 16517 97 St NW, Edmonton with the postal code AB T5X 6B1.

That is where you can find the Servus Credit Union in Namao Centre, Alberta in Canada.

Please, note that if you don’t need to visit the Servus CU office in Namao Centre in person, then I will advise that you call the phone number for assistance.

What Is The Servus Credit Union Namao Centre Phone Number

If you are in Namao Centre and want to contact the Servus CU branch, then call this telephone number: +1 780-496-2255.

So +1 780-496-2255 is the main phone number for the ServusCU banking hall in Namao Centre. In addition, you can use the Fax number 780.478.3407 for the Namao Centre branch.

Also, you can dial 1.877.378.8728 if you want to contact the Alberta Member Contact Centre head office.

In any case, you need to know the working hours.

What Is The Servus Namao Centre Branch Opening And Closing Hours

This section of the guide will show you the Servus Namao Centre working hours.

Below is the Namao Centre branch opening and closing hours:

Monday: 9:30am–5pm

Tuesday: 9:30am–5pm

Wednesday: 9:30am–5pm

Thursday: 9:30am–7pm

Friday: 9:30am–6pm

Saturday: 9:30am–3pm

Sunday: Closed

Those are the Servus Credit Union Namao Centre opening and closing hours.

As you can see, the Servus Namao Centre Saturday banking hours are 9:30am–3pm, and the Namao Centre Sunday working hours are Closed.

Please note that the banking hours listed above are different from the Servus holiday hours, especially for Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year, and other public holidays.

Check the official website for Servus holiday hours in Canada.

What Is The Servus CU Namao Centre Branch Transit Number?

The branch transit number for the Servus Credit Union in Namao Centre is 22499.

So, for any money transfers that require the Servus Namao Centre branch Transit number, you can use 22499.

Please, note that the Servus Credit Union Institution Number is 899.

This is different from the Namao Centre Branch Transit Number, which is 22499.

Also, the ServusCU SWIFT Code for money transfer is CUCXCATTCAL.

How Do I Contact The Customer Service Online In Canada

There are several ways you can contact the Servus CU customer care service unit online for assistance in Namao Centre.

Here are the various Servus Credit Union online portals:









Here is a summary of the Servus Credit Union Namao Centre branch contact details:

Branch Location Address: 16517 97 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5X 6B1, Canada

Postal Code: AB T5X 6B1

Province: Alberta

Phone number: +1 780-496-2255

Servus Namao Centre Branch Transit number: 22499

Fax Number: 780.478.3407

Servus CU Namao Centre Working Hours:

Monday: 9:30am–5pm

Tuesday: 9:30am–5pm

Wednesday: 9:30am–5pm

Thursday: 9:30am–7pm

Friday: 9:30am–6pm

Saturday: 9:30am–3pm

Sunday: Closed

That is all you need to know about the Servus Credit Union Namao Centre branch in Alberta, Canada.

Check the recommended Servus guide below:

Petroleum Plaza, Scenic Drive, Savanna, Sangudo, Rimbey, Provost, Ponoka, Plamondon, Athabasca, Millwoods, Morinville, Mount Royal, Mundare, Legal, Kingsway Banking Centre, Jasper Park, Inglewood, Inglecroft, Lloydminster, Hinton, High River, Harvest Pointe, Grimshaw, Grande Cache, Gibbons, Saskatchewan, Crossings, Creekside, Crescent Heights, Clearview, Capilano, Callingwood, Innisfail, Delton, Elk Point, Edson, Fairview, Entwistle, Edmonton 149th Street, Crowsnest Pass, Deer Park, Devon.

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