Absa Dormant Account

Absa Dormant Account, 2023, Find Out How To Reactivate It

In our guide today, we will show you all you need to know about Absa dormant account in South Africa.

We will first briefly explain to you what a dormant account is.

What Is A Dormant Account In South Africa

A dormant account is a bank account that has had no financial activity for a long time.

This means that the account has not made any transactions, whether deposits, money transfers, or withdrawals, for a long period.

If your Absa account remains dormant for a long time, it is closed.

Most financial institutions declare an account dormant if it has no economic activity for 6 to 12 months. 

Accounts that can become dormant include all the savings and cheque accounts.

Now that you understand what a dormant account is, we will go ahead and show you when an Absa account becomes inactive.

When Does An Account Become Dormant

A transaction account becomes semi-dormant after three months. 

This happens if there is no activity with the account.

If you don’t use the account for another six months after it becomes semi-dormant, the version will become dormant.

The system will close the account if it becomes dormant.

You will have to activate a dormant account to use it again.

How To Know If The Bank Account Is Dormant

We will now show you how you can know the status of your account in South Africa.

To check if your bank account is dormant, visit the Absa South Africa website and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Click on Notice of dormant accounts under the useful links section.

You can also check the status of your account by also visiting the nearest Absa branch.

This is how you check if you have an Absa dormant account in South Africa.

How To Activate Absa dormant account

To activate a dormant account, you can do the following:

  • Transact with the account through a cheque
  • Make cash or cheque deposit
  • Withdraw or deposit to the account through ATM
  • Internet banking transaction to the dormant account
  • Mobile banking in the dormant account

You can request activation of a dormant account through internet banking by selecting activation of inactive account from the service request section.

You can also reach out to Absa customer care through 0860 111 515.

You can also visit any Absa branch near you to make a request.

This is how you activate a dormant Absa account in South Africa.

One Response

  1. H Viana 7th May 2022

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