How to redeem ANZ rewards points

Redeem ANZ Rewards Points, 2023, How To Redeem ANZ Australia Rewards Points

In today’s guide, we will show you how to redeem ANZ rewards points.

Have you accumulated enough ANZ reward points? If so, rewards and other benefits are waiting for you, including taking a trip for free, sending some a gift card, or add something to your kitchen collection.

To redeem your ANZ rewards points, you need first to access your points.

Hopefully, you have been using the “Reward points” feature to track your reward points since your last statement.

To view your ANZ rewards points, follow the steps below:

  • Go to your Home page after logging into your ANZ Internet Banking.
  • Choose your card account.
  • Go to the “Reward points” section.
  • You will view a summary of your points here.

Basically, you will see the following date in your ANZ “Reward points”:

Points earned this period: These are the base points you have earned from purchases using your ANZ Reward Points card.

Bonus points earned this period: This shows the number of bonus points you have earned from purchases using Bonus partners.

Points adjusted this period: Reflects the points of adjustments since your last card statement.

Total points earned for this period: Shows your base points along with bonus points you have earned since your last card statement plus or minus points adjusted.

Note that your total points for this period will be moved to your Qantas Frequent Flyer Membership Account at the time of your next card statement.

How Do You Redeem ANZ Rewards Points?

ANZ rewards points offer you a wide range of rewards, including movie tickets, gift cards, and travel redemption, among many other benefits.

You can easily redeem your ANZ reward points by logging in to your account. Also, you can redeem the reward over the phone by calling the ANZ Rewards Center on 1300-367-763 from Monday to Friday, 8AM to 8PM (AEST).

It is as simple as that.

You do not need to stress yourself.

Now that you know how to redeem ANZ Rewards points, what next?

Can My ANZ Rewards Points Expire?

Yes, according to the ANZ Rewards terms and conditions you agreed on, you are supposed to use all your reward points within 36 months of 31 Dec of the year that the points were transferred to a points record.

If any reward points are left unused after that date, they will be canceled.

But what if your account is shut down?

If this is the case, you must use all your reward points within three months from the account closure date.

Make sure to go through the ANZ – Rewards program Terms and Conditions to avoid any mishaps.

Read also: What Credit Score Is Needed For Suncoast Credit Union.

Other Ways To Redeem Points

You can redeem your ANZ rewards points for various benefits, including travel benefits, home appliance purchases, entertainment tickets, vouchers, and gift cards.

For travel benefits, you can redeem your points for Australian domestic bookings, including flights, car rental, accommodation, and other travel-related activities.

However, if you are planning to take an international flight, you may have to wait because of the ongoing travel and movement restrictions caused by the pandemic.

Entertainment and gifts redemption has a variety of options, including bottles of wine event tickets, a jet boat ride anywhere in Australia, and even a coffee-making barista course.

You will need between 5,000 and 25,000 ANZ rewards points to enjoy these benefits.

You can redeem your points for home and garden items like a fluid vacuum, coffee mug, pliers, adjusted wrench, and screwdriver set, among many other offers.

Alternatively, you can redeem your ANZ points for something special like JB HI-FI Gift Card or David Jones gift card.

Go to the ANZ rewards points page and choose the minimum and maximum points you want to redeem, select category (travel, entertainment, home, and garden, or gift cards and vouchers), hit search, and the system will filter out the best deals for you.

ANZ always ensures that the reward you qualify to win is functional, stylish, and fun.

That is all you need to know about how to redeem ANZ Rewards points in Australia.

Check our latest ANZ articles here:

ANZ New Zealand Internet Banking, Login To ANZ Account, Australia Online Banking, Cancel Rewards, Transfer Points to Velocity, Earn Rewards Points, What Are Rewards Points Worth.

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