What IRS code 150 mean on tax transcript

IRS Code 150 Meaning On Transcript 2023/2024, Tax Return Filed [SOLVED]

Are you one of those people who have code 150 on your IRS tax transcript for 2023? So what does IRS code 150 mean on your transcript?

This is one of the frequently asked questions being asked by many individuals and companies alike.

That is the main purpose of this article, and we will help you find every single detail you need to know about the 2023 account transcript.

I have recently been getting several messages about IRS code 150 issued on the 2023 tax transcript.

Here is what you need to know.

In simple terms, if you see IRS code 150 on your 2023 transcript, it means the IRS processed your return, and your tax liabilities are determined.

Please, it doesn’t mean you owe any money.

Check the details below.

You really do not need to worry that much about that.

We will guide you with all the explanations and the details you may need to the very best of your understanding.

If you want to understand the tax transcript better, please watch the video below:

What Is IRS Code 150?

According to the United States Internal Revenue Service, tax code 150 has two (2) main meanings.

Here are the official explanations for the code:

  • Return Filed & Tax Liability Assessed
  • Entity Created by TC 150
IRS Code 150 Tax Return Filed Explained

IRS Code 150 Tax Return Filed Explained

Please note that the code shows that your return has been successfully processed, but you may not have received any notifications yet.

That is what code 150 is all about.

What Does IRS Code 150 Return Filed & Tax Liability Assessed Mean On Transcript

According to the Internal Revenue Service Master File Codes, here is the meaning of Return Filed & Tax Liability Assessed on your tax transcript:

A tax liability assessed from the original return establishes a tax module. *BMF: Assessment may be Credit for Form CT-1, 720, and 941. See TC 976-977 for amended return.

What Does Entity Created by TC 150 Mean On 2023 Transcript

Here is the official meaning of that on your transcript:

This TC 150, when posted to the Entity Transaction Section, indicates the Master File Entity was created from the posting of the return.

Read this: Ultimate Guide To Code 766.

What Does Code 150 Mean On IRS Transcript

Most people will see IRS Code 150 On Transcript 2023 with the description Tax Return Filed.

That in itself is self-explanatory.

The code 150 on your IRS tax return transcript for 2023 simply means you have filed your return, and your tax liability is established.

That is the main meaning or explanation for the IRS tax code 150 on your transcript.

Now that you know what tax code 150 on your 2023 transcript is, let us see another question most people frequently ask.

Is It A Credit Or Debit To Your Account

The main meaning of the code on your tax transcript is simply that you have filed your returns.

The 150 code only shows your taxes that were actually owed before any withholding and credits were applied.

If you see the code with a future date with or without the amount, you can contact the US Internal Revenue Service for further details.

What DO I Do If I have Code 150 Credit On My 2023 IRS Tax Transcript?

You can easily track the progress of a refund through the “IRS Where’s My Refund tracking tool”.

If IRS makes adjustments to your 2023 tax return, they will definitely notify you in writing or otherwise of the actual changes.

If that is indeed necessary.

And if that is done, you will be given clear instructions on how to reply to the letter should you disagree with their findings.

I hope that is fair.


For those of you who have code 150 issued on your 2023 IRS tax transaction transcript, here is what I suggest you do:

You need to contact the official Internal Revenue Service representative for further details.

For further clarifications, please contact the IRS on phone 800-829-1040 (Individuals) and 800-829-4933 (Businesses) from 7 am to 7 pm local time.

The IRS would be the agency that can really provide the most accurate and reliable information as to any changes made based upon their review or assessment of your 2023 tax return.

I will, therefore, highly encourage you to contact them should you need further clarification.

One Response

  1. Danile 8th March 2022

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