Assupol Funeral Contact Details

Assupol Funeral Contact Details, Assupol Feneral Customer Care

Assupol has specified which contact you can use whenever you would like to inquire about anything related to funeral cover. In this blog post, I’ll share Assupol’s funeral contact details compressively.

It is imperative to know their funeral contact details if you have both this policy.

These are contract details you use whenever you have an inquiry about the policy or complaint.

Besides, these contact details can assist you when filing the claim after the policyholder has died.

Before diving into Assupol’s funeral contact details, let’s look at Assupol’s funeral.

About Assupol Funeral

The Assupol funeral is a policy sold by Assupol insurance company intended to assist you in managing your grief while also protecting you and your family from unexpected costs and challenges.

The funeral coverage options offer you and your family all of the financial and practical assistance you’ll require during this difficult time.

When you die, Assupol makes a lump-sum payment to your estate or chosen beneficiaries.

Once you apply for coverage, you can explicitly state a benefit amount that will be used to pay for your funeral expenses as well as any other expenses you leave behind, such as debts.

Assupol Funeral Contact Details

Below are various ways you can get to reach Assupol if you have any questions regarding funeral cover. You ought to choose which option is convenient for you.

How To Contact Assupol Funeral Through Mobile Phone

The first option to contact Assupol funeral cover customers is through mobile phone.

The number to dial is 0860 103 091.

The mobile phone is toll-free; thus, you need to top up your mobile phone and call using any mobile network in South Africa.

How To Reach Assupol Funeral Via Email

You can also contact Assupol funeral cover customer care by sending an email at

It may take up to 3 working days before you receive a response from Assupol funeral cover through email.

How To Reach Assupol Funeral Via SMS

The other available option for contacting Assupol funeral is to contact an Assupol funeral cover customer by sending an SMS with the word WEB to 32813.

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