Absa Multi-Managed Accumulation Funds Of Funds

Absa Multi-Managed Accumulation Funds Of Funds

In our guide today, we will briefly discuss the Absa multi-managed accumulation funds of funds in South Africa.

The main objective of this fund is to protect your capital and reduce investment risk in volatile markets.

The fund is ideal for our medium to the long-term investment plan, and the investment risk profile is low to medium.

We will first show you the features of this fund.

What Are The Features

The fund seeks to achieve real target returns over specific periods.

It also focuses on capital protection to reduce the investment risks in volatile markets.

You can apply the fund based on considerations relating to time, risk, and target returns.

The funds combine the collective expertise of selected asset managers with proven track records.

The fund managers pursue excess returns through asset selection and marketing time capabilities.

The investment returns comprise the market and excess returns, which reflect the investment managers.

These are the features of the Absa multi-managed accumulation fund of funds in South Africa.

Absa Multi-Managed Accumulation Funds Of Funds

Investors are offered international and local exposure.

The minimum lump sum is R 10 million and is managed by Absa multi-management.

The fund provides investors with access to investments aimed at capital growth over the medium to long term.

The non-equity exposure is limited to a minimum of 40% and a maximum of 60% of the portfolio’s net asset value.

This fund may sometimes invest in listed and unlisted instruments following the act’s provisions as amended from time to time.

The fund is usually a multi-managed portfolio.

This is how the Multi-managed accumulation fund of funds works in South Africa.

What Comprises Of The Investments

We will now show you what is included in this fund strategy.

The investments included in the portfolio may include:

  • a combination of assets in liquid form 
  • money market instruments
  • interest-bearing securities
  • bonds
  • debentures
  • corporate debt
  • equity securities
  • property securities
  • preference
  • shares
  • convertible equities and debentures
  • non-equity securities

these are the investments included in the Absa multi-managed accumulation fund of funds in South Africa.

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