Absa Gold Credit Card Travel Insurance

Absa Gold Credit Card Travel Insurance, 2023, Requirements & How To Apply

In our guide today, we will focus on the Absa gold credit card travel insurance in South Africa.

The policyholder will receive an automatic travel cover of up to R1.5 million when you purchase an international travel ticket on the gold credit card.

We will first show you the key things you need to know about this policy.

What You Need To Know About Absa Gold Credit Card Travel Insurance

You get an automatic basic cover when you apply for a gold credit card.

To supplement the automatic basic cover, you can get the optional top-up cover with more benefits.

The insurance is available to all Absa gold credit card holders from 3 months old to 75 years.

There is a special package for seniors between 75 and 85 years who no longer qualify for automatic travel insurance.

The cover is valid for 90, 120, 184 travel days or annual multi-trip.

This is what you need to know about the gold credit card travel insurance in South Africa.

What Is Covered By This Absa Policy

Below are the events that are covered by this policy:

  • Trip cancellation or curtailment
  • Loss of luggage theft
  • Wrongful detention
  • Legal expenses
  • Hijacking
  • Emergency medical expenses
  • Personal loss of money or passport
  • Personal accident

This is what is covered by the gold credit card travel insurance in South Africa.

Absa Gold Credit Card Travel Insurance

The emergency medical and related cover has coverage of R1.5 million with an excess in-patient and out-patient of R2,000 each.

A death and permanent disability excluding air travel has a benefit of R250, 000 and insurance for death and disability caused by air travel of R500,000.

You get to travel to assist services like cash transfer advice, consular and embassy referral, emergency travel and accommodation arrangements, evacuation assistance, replacement of lost travel documents, medical monitoring, medical referral, and bail assistance, among others.

You will be compensated R10,000 for coffin expenses.

Some of the inclusions in the emergency medical and related cover include the visit of a family member, return of stranded children, travel companion and burial, cremation, or return of mortal remains.

You are offered R5,000 for legal assistance abroad.

For baggage delayed for more than 6 hours, you will be compensated R1,500.

Travel delays for more than 4 hours and a missed departure attract coverage of R1,500 each.

Hijack of a public transport carrier for more than 2 hours will be compensated R7,500.

These are the benefits of the Absa gold credit card travel insurance in South Africa.

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