How To Cancel Assupol Funeral Policy

How To Cancel Assupol Funeral Policy In South Africa

If you are searching for how to cancel the Assupol funeral policy, this is the blog post to read. Assupol doesn’t deny anyone a chance to cancel a policy, and here we have listed various ways to go about it.

The Assupol funeral policy is meant to ease the burden of your loved ones when you die the stress and financial difficulties. However, if you deem this cover not appropriate for you, the next thing you think of is how to cancel it.

However, it would be best to think about it before canceling the policy, as it can result in the loss of all the premiums you have been paying. Nevertheless, if you have already made up your mind, you would like to cancel your Assupol funeral policy; here is what to do.

Ways To Cancel Assupol Policy In South Africa

There are four ways on how to cancel the Assupol funeral policy, including the following:

1. Contact Customer Care

2. Via Email

3. Stop paying premiums

4. Visit the nearest Assupol office.

How To Cancel Assupol Funeral Policy Through Calling Assupol Customer Care

The first option on how to cancel my Assupol funeral cover is through contacting Assupol customer care. Assupol is a South Africa Company, and you can call using any mobile network provider by dialing 0861 235 664.

Customer care will enlighten you on canceling the cover, which will involve filling cancelation form among other documents to make it official.

How To Cancel Assupol Funeral Policy Via Email

Another option you can opt for when you would like to cancel the Assupol funeral cover is to send a cancellation email to the company. The Assupol email address is

 Visit The Office

Assupol has its offices spread in South Africa, and you can visit their branch to request the cancellation of your funeral policy.

At Assupol offices, you will get assisted on the policy cancellation process and what you need to do. You should expect to do some paperwork. You’ll also get to know the implication of canceling the policy.

Stop Paying Premiums

The other way on how to cancel the Assupol policy is by stopping paying the monthly premium. When you don’t pay your policy premium after the grace period is over after your due date of making the premium payment, it will automatically cancel your policy.

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