Have you replaced your cash app card, and now you want to know if you can still use my old cash app card? Well, here we will explain if it is possible or not possible.
Cash app is a prominent mobile app used to send and receive money, pay bills and invest through the app. Cash app also introduced a card, a debit card linked to your bank account. You can use the card to withdraw money or pay bills.
You may misplace or lose the card and opt to replace the card by requesting a new card.
Luckily, you get to find your old card. Here we will try to explain if you can still use it or not.
Can I Still Use My Old Cash App Card
No, you cannot still use your old cash app card. The older one is invalid after you have lost your card and replaced it with a new one. You may wonder what to do with your older cash app card. Let’s find out.
What To Do With An Old Cash App Card
The only thing you can do with an old cash app card is disposed of it or keep it. If you wish to dispose of the card, you should avoid tossing your card in the trash because it may be discovered by someone else.
They will not be able to make transactions with it, but they may be able to use the personal information listed on the card, or the information stored in the card’s magnetic strip, to commit identity fraud.
Instead of simply throwing away your card, you should destroy it first to ensure that no one else can use the information contained in it.
Instead of throwing it away, you could consider storing it in a safe location (such as your home’s safe) to ensure that it is kept safe.
If you decide to dispose of it, demagnetize it first and then cut the strip. The magnetic strip on your card contains information about you, such as your account number, card limit, and name.
If you run a magnet slowly along the strip for a few minutes, you can demagnetize it and prevent it from being used again.
The magnetic strip can then be cut through with a sharp knife.
Ensure that the security code has been removed as well. Your CVV number (also known as a security code) is the three-digit number that appears on the back of your credit card.
Identify and cut out this section of your card so that it cannot be read or put back together.
Last but not least, destroy the chip. On most credit cards, this is the silver or gold chip located on the card’s left-hand side.
If you don’t want to cut it up with scissors, you can smash it up with a hammer.