Assupol Funeral Cover Payout

Assupol Funeral Cover Payout, Find Out How To Process It

Knowing the payout during compensation is imperative even before applying for an insurance cover. If you have Assupol funeral cover, I’ll share with you all about the Assupol funeral cover payout.

there are different plans under Assupol funeral cover, and each plan has its payout. Therefore, we’ll look at each Assupol funeral cover plan and the payout.

Assupol Instant Funeral Plan payout

Assupol instant Funeral Plan is one of the Assupol funeral plans meant to help save your family financial burden when you die.

The plan is applied online, and you will get the quote that you will be paying after a successful application. The payout of this plan is Funeral benefits amounting to R 15 000.00

Absolute Advantage Funeral Plan

The Absolute Advantage Funeral Plan is an insurance plan under Assupol funeral cover to help you manage your finances.

You get to enjoy several benefits under this plan, including enjoying the benefits before you die.

However, then you die, your beneficiaries get a payout amounting to R5 000, which is deemed as instant accidental death cover.

Assupol Excellence Family Funeral Cover

Excellence Family Funeral Plan is a plan meant to cover the whole family. The plan includes more beneficiaries; thus, the payout is high and categorized according to a beneficiary. For the policyholder and spouse, the payout amounts to R100 000 while for children and other dependents R75 000.

Cornerstone Pensioner Plan

The Cornerstone Pensioner Plan from Assupol is cost-effective for government grant recipients who require funeral cover. It offers a range of reasonable premiums and enough cash rewards to cover the costs of a respectful funeral.

Unlike previous burial society policies, the Cornerstone Pensioner Plan has no age limit and requires no medical evaluation.

In addition, members may cancel their membership in the plan at any time, without penalty or notification.

The payout depends on the policyholder’s age as there is no age limit; thus, the payout is calculated according to the age.

Therefore, the older you are, the lower the payout, while the younger you are, the higher the payout. 

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