Absa Select Equity Fund

Absa Select Equity Fund, How To Apply & Requirements

In our guide today, we will briefly discuss the Absa select equity fund in South Africa.

This is a general fund that invests the majority of its assets in South African investment markets at all times.

The funds predominantly invest in securities of an equity nature traded on the SA registered exchanges.

The fund is ideal for investors looking for a long-term investment that offers you capital growth and income from equity exposure.

We will first show you how to apply for the abs of a select equity fund in South Africa.

How To Apply For Select Equity Fund

You can apply for this fund by filling out an application form https://www.absafinancialservices.co.za/UnitTrustApplication/?Fund=Absa-Prime-Equity-Fund

The application is a 4-step process that requires you to fill in all your details and upload essential documents.

Below are the required documents to apply for the Absa prime equity fund in South Africa:

  • You must have an electronic copy of a valid South African ID 

The ID document should have both the front and the back sides of the ID and be signed three times

  • You must have an electronic copy of your birth certificate if you are a minor
  • Proof of address older than 90 days 
  • Tax number or that of a guardian if you are not of the legal age
  • Have proof of income like a bank statement if you are an Absa bank client

This is how you apply for Absa select equity fund in South Africa.

Absa Select Equity Fund

This fund is classified under the SA Equity General industry category.

The minimum lump sum you can invest is R2 000, and the minimum monthly investment is R200.

The fund focuses on stock selection and invests primarily in South African-listed equities.

The additional securities that may be included in this fund are non-equity securities, assets in liquid form, and other income-bearing securities and instruments.

The assets invested in equities at all times is at least 75%.

This is how the Absa select equity fund works in South Africa.

What Is The Asset Allocation

Equity is allocated 88.02% and the money market 2.53%.

International equity is allocated 9.39%, and the international money market is allocated 0.06%.

This is the asset allocation for the Absa select equity fund in South Africa.

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