Absa Prosperity For Seniors Account

Absa Prosperity For Seniors Account, 2023, Get Full Details About This Account

Do you want to know how the Absa prosperity for seniors account works in South Africa? Then, check out this account to learn.

Absa has taken the senior people’s interests to save and invest at old age and made the life of these seniors simpler.

We will first show you the requirements to open an account.

Requirements For This Account

Below are the basic requirements to qualify for a property for seniors account:

  • You should be 55 years and above at the time of application
  • A South African ID or a smart card
  • Should have a minimum income of R2000
  • Proof of residence not older than three months
  • Must have proof of income if you are applying for an overdraft facility

These are the basic requirements to qualify for the account.

Now that you know the basic requirements, we will go ahead and show you how the account works.

Absa Prosperity For Seniors Account

The prosperity for seniors account is a cheque account for people over 55 years.

Account-holders can make deposits, check account balances and withdraw cash from any Absa ATM 24/7.

You get a debit card that comes with security features that create smarter, faster, and more convenient shopping in-store and online.

The card is accepted worldwide.

You can join the Absa rewards program and earn cashback whenever you swipe the debit card at partner stores.

You have access to vehicle finance, revolving loans, and other Absa loans.

You can gain interest and exclusive rebates on your savings.

Account-holders over 60 years get assistance to draft their wills.

The monthly service fee is R50.

This is how the Absa prosperity for seniors account works in South Africa.

Now that you know how the account works, we will show you the benefits of having the prosperity for seniors account.

Benefits Of Prosperity Account

Subscription to the Absa digital platforms is free.

You will receive rebates on the monthly service fee if they maintain a cheque account balance of R15,000 or an investment or savings account balance of R15,000.

You get free notification SMS or email, free point of sale cash withdrawals, and cash withdrawals at any Absa ATM.

You can buy prepaid electricity or airtime using the prosperity seniors’ account.

These are the benefits of Absa prosperity for seniors account in South Africa.

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