FNB South Africa eWallet eXtra Limit

FNB eWallet eXtra Limit In South Africa, Maximum Limit Per Day, Monthly

Are you searching about the FNB South Africa ewallet extra limit? Look no further. 

You have come to the right place.

If you use an FNB ewallet to carry out transactions, then you have heard about FNB ewallet extra.

One of the First National Bank South Africa products is meant to easily transfer money from FNB accounts through ewallet.

Among the benefits of FNB ewallet extra from FNB ewallet is that it has a higher limit.

FNB claims the FNB ewallet extra is the next level of ewallet services in South Africa as it offers more benefits, unlike FNB ewallet services.

FNB ewallet extra features an FNB bank account and can access the bank through a mobile phone.

FNB ewallet extra is not only sent as a money account, but you get to have a bank account with FNB and can also have an FNB card.

If you would like to have FNB ewallet services and have a bank account, you should consider FNB ewallet extra.

Here are how to meet the requirements and how to open the account.

Requirements to open FNB ewallet extra and how to open the account

The requirements to open FNB ewallet extra include;

  • Valid South African ID
  • Mobile phone

If you meet the requirements, it is simple and fast to open an account.

You don’t have to visit the FNB bank.

You open the account through your mobile phone with a few clicks from anywhere.

There is no paperwork to open the account.

After opening the account, you can deposit any bank branch to have money to carry out a transaction. 

Opening an FNB ewallet extra account is more beneficial compared to FNB ewallet service.

FNB South Africa eWallet eXtra limit (Maximum Limit Per Day, Monthly)

FNB ewallet extra holds a higher limit compared to FNB ewallet services.

With an FNB ewallet extra account, the maximum the account can hold is R14, 000 while the FNB ewallet can only hold R5, 000. 

The FNB ewallet extra monthly limit is R24, 000 and a daily spending limit of R3, 000, including daily withdrawal and sending limit.

FNB ewallet eXtra features

As earlier said, opening for FNB ewallet extra services you get to have a bank account comes with some important features.

These features include:

  • No monthly fees
  • Get account number
  • High limit rate compared to FNB ewallet services.
  • First-month free withdrawal
  • Send, receive, and spend money from the bank account.
  • Schedule payment date  from the account
  • Have FNB card

That is all we have for you about FNB South Africa eWallet eXtra limit.

One Response

  1. Kwanele Nyangweni 23rd February 2022

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