Assupol Cash-Back Percentage

Assupol Cash-Back Percentage, Know Your Cash Back Amount

In this blog post, you’ll learn about Assupol’s cash-back percentage ranging from the cash-back percentage you get according to the Assupol policy you have purchased.

It is important to know the percentage of cashback you will receive after buying the Assupol insurance policy.

The cash-back is a benefit worthy of other benefits with the policy you have bought.

Therefore if you have been wondering about Assupol’s cash-back percentage, look no further.

Everything is here!

About Assupol cash back

When you purchase a life or burial insurance policy, one of the perks included in the coverage is cash-back.

If this is your first time hearing about Assupol cash-back, don’t worry; all you need to know is right here.

The Assupol cash-back plan is a money-back plan in which the policyholder gets paid a percentage of the funds assured at regular intervals rather than receiving a lump sum after the term.

It’s a hybrid endowment and liquidity plan.

The payback is a bonus, and it’s excellent for risk-averse consumers who wish to save money with an insurance plan while keeping their cash flow.

If the insured individual dies, the nominee receives the entire sum assured, with no survivor benefits withheld.

The amount of cash-back you earn is determined by your insurance coverage and the policy agreement with Assupol.

Assupol cash-back percentage

The Assupol cash-back percentage depends on the policy you have bought.

Assupol offers two main policies: life and funeral cover.

Therefore, I’ll share the life cashback percentage and funeral plan.  

Progress 4 Sure and Progress 4Life cash-back percentage

If you have Assupol life cover and opted for Progress 4Sure or Progress 4Life plan, you can get 100% Cash-back benefits.

You should not have claimed the cash-back for ten 0r 15 years for you to get the 100%.

The first tranche of 100 percent Cash-back payouts for the Progress 4Sure life insurance program comes when consumers desperately need financial assistance.

Assupol funeral policy cash-back percentage

If you have Assupol funeral cover, you will get no specific percentage as cash-back.

However, Assupol claims to pay six months of your premiums as cash-back benefits. 

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