FNB South Africa Investment Rates

FNB Investment Rates In South Africa, 2023, FNB Investment Guide

If you are interested in investing with FNB, then it is imperative to have been curious to know what FNB South Africa FNB Investment rates are.

Like any other investment venture, the investor expects to make profits at the end of the day.

Equally, with FNB investment, some profits are calculated in terms of interest rate to the amount you have invested with the bank.

First National bank offers competitive investment interest rates and can be as high as 3.05% on a low deposit and max out at around a 7.8% interest rate when you make investments worth R10,000.

Compared with other South African banks, First National bank investment rates are higher, hence guaranteeing value for your money.

Several factors determine the interest rate you get to earn from your investment. 

Below are the factors that determine FNB Investment rates:

  •         Account you choose
  •         The amount you invest
  •         The investment duration

Types Of FNB Investment And Interest Rate

Besides the above three factors, the type of investment you choose as the bank already stipulates it.

Hence to discuss FNB investment rates, it is significant to look at FNB investment and respective interest rates.

FNB Fixed Deposit Investment Rate

The Fixed deposit investment is one of the high rewarding investments you can opt for with FNB.

The investment attracts an interest rate of 8% for 60 months.

The bank allows you to choose the maturity date after 60 months, and you get paid your deposit and interest.

The minimum you can invest under a fixed deposit is R10 000.

Interestingly, the bank allows you to access the interest during the investment period.

You can more so monitor your investment through access to your account online.

Restart Fixed Deposit

If 60 months is a long period for you, you can choose to restart the fixed deposit, which takes 13 months.

The investment attracts an interest rate of 4.75%, and the minimum deposit is R10 000.

FNB South Africa Flexi Fixed Deposit Investment Rate

If you don’t have R10, 000 you can also choose Flexi fixed deposit, and the minimum deposit is R5000.

The investment takes 12 months, and the interest is 3.60%.

The bank allows you to access the interest during the investment period.

32 Day Flexi Notice

If your choice is short-term investment plans, FNB also offers a 23 day Flexi notice investment plan.

The minimum deposit is R5000, and the investment duration is 12 months with an interest rate of 3.7%.

You can give the bank 32 days if you want to have access to your investment.

7 Day Notice On FNB South Africa Investment

Another short-time investment is a seven-day notice.

The investment duration is ideally 12 months, but you can give the bank seven days’ notice to access your investment.

The interest rate is 3.4%, and the minimum deposit is R20 000. 

That is what you must about FNB South Africa Investment Rates.

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